Novel products, services and processes that enhance circular cultural tourism in a pilot heritage site, based on human-centred, place-specific and circular principles.

Join the International Be.CULTOUR Conference

The Horizon 2020 Be.CULTOUR project is organising the International Conference 'Beyond Cultural Tourism: Beautiful, Circular, Human', on 5 - 7 June 2024 in Naples, Italy. The Be.CULTOUR Community will gather in Naples to share the insights and results achieved during more than three years of intensive work to define and implement a European circular cultural tourism model, engaging stakeholders’ innovation networks in 6 pilot heritage sites in less-known and remote areas and 16 mirror innovation ecosystems.

Meet Destination Makers - Harnessing the potential of circular cultural tourism through targeted branding strategies

Destination Makers is a boutique consulting company active since 2014 with the aim to enhance, promote and motivate destinations through shared paths with local communities and according to the latest market trends, with the aim of generating a real impact on territories.

The Be.CULTOUR hackathon

Be.CULTOUR hackathon took place between 7-9 September 2022 at ICHEC Brussels Management School. During intensive 3 days, 76 innovators working in 19 teams co-developed their projects as follows: Day1: Understand their Be.CULTOUR Pilot Heritage Site challenges and needs, map the context, and the value chain and empathise with stakeholders. Day2: Co-develop team inspiration, ideate, prototype & test. Day3: Co-prototype the feasibility & viability of their innovative circular cultural tourism 19 videos were shot by the ICHEC communications department & made available by ERRIN at for a public vote online. In two hours, 2083 votes have been cast! In tandem, 5 parallel juries took place at ICHEC during which each team had the opportunity to pitch its project to high-level expert jurors

What do the pilots say about the Be.CULTOUR co-creation process?

Voices from the local workshops

Local Workshops constitute a core element of the Be.CULTOUR co-creation process, enabling stakeholders of the Heritage Innovation Networks to meet, exchange and gradually co- develop Action Plans for circular cultural tourism in each Pilot.          
Three Pilots sent us their comments and opinions on the co-creation processes for the Be.CULTOUR Local Action Plans.