The Horizon 2020 Be.CULTOUR project is organising the International Conference 'Beyond Cultural Tourism: Beautiful, Circular, Human', on 5 - 7 June 2024 in Naples, Italy.
The Be.CULTOUR Community will gather in Naples to share the insights and results achieved during more than three years of intensive work to define and implement a European circular cultural tourism model, engaging stakeholders’ innovation networks in 6 pilot heritage sites in less-known and remote areas and 16 mirror innovation ecosystems.
The International Conference will present a series of operational tools and approaches developed by project partners starting from the overall multidimensional evaluation framework based on criteria and indicators for circular and cultural tourism destinations, to heritage-led strategic Action Plans and place-branding strategies, innovative circular solutions and business models enhancing entrepreneurial capacity, suitable financial instruments, smart data management tools, and final policy recommendations at EU and regional level. Check the agenda here.
If you want to follow the conference online, registration is possible at this link by 3 June. An email including the link to join the streaming will be sent before the conference.