Community of Practice
A Community of Practice (CoP) can be defined as ‘groups of people who share a concern, a set of problems, or a passion about a topic, and who deepen their knowledge and expertise in this area by interacting on an ongoing basis.’ (Wenger et al., 2002).
In the case of Be.CULTOUR the Community of Practice constitutes one of the four levels of engagement in the broader Be.CULTOUR Community.
- The core is made of the 15 organisations constituting the Be.CULTOUR Consortium.
- The Community of Practice is composed of the Local Coordinators of the Heritage Innovation Networks developed in the 6 Pilot Heritage Sites as well as the Mentor organisations supporting the implementation of Be.CULTOUR activities at local level.
- The third level of engagement concerns the Community of Interest which aims to bring together the Local Coordination of the Heritage Innovation Networks developed in the 16 Mirror Heritage Sites, selected through an Open Call launched by ERRIN in April 2021. •
- The fourth level of engagement refers to every active participant contributor and/or passive follower of the offline and online activities and/or outputs of the Be.CULTOUR project as a whole.

Purpose & Objectives
The purpose of the Be.CULTOUR CoP is “to foster regional development through circular cultural tourism”. Based on a co-creative exercise implemented during the first online Community Meetup held on April 22nd, 2021, the following objectives have been identified by the CoP members:
- Meet like-minded professionals interested in circular cultural tourism across Europe
- Share common challenges and create new opportunities
- Gain theoretical knowledge and discover best practices in circular cultural tourism
- Learn about human-centred design and experiment with participatory approaches and co-creation methodologies in online and offline spaces
- Get insights about the implementation of different Work Packages (Data, Policy & Financing, Prototyping etc.)
- Engage in Peer-Learning activities with Local Coordinators from 6 Pilot and 12 Mirror Heritage Sites
- Develop Action Plans to foster regional development through circular cultural tourism
- Establish local Heritage Innovation Networks actively engaging stakeholders from public, private, academic and civil society sectors
- Co-create innovative products, services and processes