C (6) | E (2) | H (3) | I (4) | L (1) | M (1) | P (3) | S (1) | T (1)
Term Description
Innovation Areas Thematic areas within the cultural tourism sector, in which innovative solutions will be sought.
Innovation Ecosystem ( Pilot / Mirror )

An innovation ecosystem is an interconnected network of quadruple helix stakeholders, including academia, industry and different levels of the public sector and civil society. This multi-level approach applies a systemic and bottom-up approach to creating research, innovation and knowledge.

Pilot Innovation Ecosystem is the ecosystem of actors active in BeCULTOUR “Pilot” Heritage Sites. It includes local stakeholders in the cultural tourism value chain, as well as residents and visitors of the site.

Mirror Innovation Ecosystem is the ecosystem of actors active in BeCULTOUR “Mirror” Heritage Sites. It includes local stakeholders in the cultural tourism value chain, as well as residents and visitors of the site.

Pilot/Mirror Innovation Ecosystem thus defines the whole ecosystem of actors in a BeCULTOUR pilot / mirror heritage site, including every stakeholder and innovator in the cultural tourism value chain even if not participating directly in project activities.

Innovative solutions Novel products, services and processes that enhance circular cultural tourism in a pilot heritage site, based on human-centred, place-specific and circular principles.
Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)

The Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) is a European Union funding to support candidate countries and potential candidate countries.

The IPA (“IPA I”) is made up of five different components:

  • Assistance for transition and institution building;
  • Cross-border cooperation (with EU Member States and other countries eligible for IPA);
  • Regional development (transport, environment, regional and economic development);
  • Human resources (strengthening human capital and combating exclusion);
  • Rural development.

The IPA beneficiary countries are divided into two categories:

EU candidate countries (Turkey, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia and the Republic of North Macedonia) are eligible for all five components of IPA;

  • Potential candidate countries in the Western Balkans (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo under UN Security Council Resolution 1244/99) are eligible only for the first two components.
Assessment at non-EU level and detailed mapping in the 6 pilot countries and regions. Serbia in particular.