The Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) is a European Union funding to support candidate countries and potential candidate countries.

The IPA (“IPA I”) is made up of five different components:

  • Assistance for transition and institution building;
  • Cross-border cooperation (with EU Member States and other countries eligible for IPA);
  • Regional development (transport, environment, regional and economic development);
  • Human resources (strengthening human capital and combating exclusion);
  • Rural development.

The IPA beneficiary countries are divided into two categories:

EU candidate countries (Turkey, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia and the Republic of North Macedonia) are eligible for all five components of IPA;

  • Potential candidate countries in the Western Balkans (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo under UN Security Council Resolution 1244/99) are eligible only for the first two components.
Assessment at non-EU level and detailed mapping in the 6 pilot countries and regions. Serbia in particular.