An innovation ecosystem is an interconnected network of quadruple helix stakeholders, including academia, industry and different levels of the public sector and civil society. This multi-level approach applies a systemic and bottom-up approach to creating research, innovation and knowledge.

Pilot Innovation Ecosystem is the ecosystem of actors active in BeCULTOUR “Pilot” Heritage Sites. It includes local stakeholders in the cultural tourism value chain, as well as residents and visitors of the site.

Mirror Innovation Ecosystem is the ecosystem of actors active in BeCULTOUR “Mirror” Heritage Sites. It includes local stakeholders in the cultural tourism value chain, as well as residents and visitors of the site.

Pilot/Mirror Innovation Ecosystem thus defines the whole ecosystem of actors in a BeCULTOUR pilot / mirror heritage site, including every stakeholder and innovator in the cultural tourism value chain even if not participating directly in project activities.

Meet Destination Makers - Harnessing the potential of circular cultural tourism through targeted branding strategies

Destination Makers is a boutique consulting company active since 2014 with the aim to enhance, promote and motivate destinations through shared paths with local communities and according to the latest market trends, with the aim of generating a real impact on territories.

Be.CULTOUR Policy Learning Lab

Be.CULTOUR Mirror regions and Pilot Heritage Sites met in Brussels on the 9th September 2022 to discuss challenges and opportunities for circular cultural tourism in the post-pandemic era, bringing in their local experience and perspectives. The meeting kicked off with the presentations from Be.CULTOUR advisors: Historic Environment Scotland, Future for Religious Heritage and CREATOUR, followed by a more technical point of you provided by Destination Makers, supporting touristic destinations, well-known and remote ones, to improve their marketing strategies, build sustainable action plans and narratives around their local territories. The plenary was followed by 2 working sessions in which participants were assigned a specific challenge a divided into 6 groups to brainstorm and pave the way to related policy recommendations.