
Already four webinars have been held within the Be.CULTOUR community and peer learning programme, and the fifth is just about to come! On June 23rd, from 14:00 to 15:30 pm CEST,  we will talk about challenges and opportunities in Community-led and innovative entrepreneurship for circular cultural tourism. In particular, it will show how the sleeping potential of less-known and peripheral destinations, their cultural assets and local resources, can be exploited by a wise co-management  of communities and stakeholders. We will see operational case studies in projects and initiatives across Europe.

Join us registering here 👉 https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/5th-webinar

It will be the last episode of these online events before the summer break, before beginning again in September. It is the occasion to catch up with the past webinars you may have missed, learning for example on the value of cultural heritage in Europe and the role of empowering networks, or on the innovative solutions put in place for circular cultural tourism, also in less-known cultural destinations.

Explore this online journey back and forth, join the community and contribute during the sessions with questions and comments! 💫

Visit the Be.CULTOUR YouTube channel for the past webinars:

👉 https://www.youtube.com/@be.cultourproject3484/streams

  1. The role of Heritage Innovation Networks for co-creation and communities empowerment (Completed)
  2. Understanding the European value of cultural heritage: Power of networks (Completed)
  3. Innovative solutions for circular cultural tourism (Completed)
  4. Values-based innovative marketing for less-known cultural tourism destinations (Completed)

And stay tuned, more is to come!

  1. Community-led and innovative entrepreneurship for circular cultural tourism (June 23)
  2. Creative tourism and the role of arts, interpretation and storytelling (September)
  3. Circular economy implementation in the tourism sector (October)
  4. Innovative finance for circular cultural tourism (November)
  5. Smart data management for circular cultural tourism assessment and monitoring (December)

For any other information visit the dedicated page on our website: https://becultour.eu/becultour-webinars