In the context of the Be.CULTOUR project, ERRIN is opening a call for tender for a contractor to undertake the design and development of strategies for the branding and marketing of circular cultural tourism destinations in the pilot heritage sites in collaboration with local stakeholders and in line with the innovation activities carried out by the heritage co-innovation networks established.
The strategy will be oriented to create and communicate to relevant targets (residents, investors, visitors and the wider public) a positive brand image focusing on the circular and human-centred approach “beyond” cultural tourism for the target sites and successful umbrella brands for cross-border destinations to facilitate the transfer of a common image that is linked to common heritage and history, specific legacies and a sustainable cultural tourism development commitment. Therefore, the consortium announces a call for tender to identify a contractor to undertake part of WP5 activities “Exploitation of Be.CULTOUR innovative solutions, dissemination and communication” (Task 5.5, from October 2022 to the end of the project) and the co-development of the Be.CULTOUR Pilot Heritage Sites Brand Strategy and Communication Plan to be implemented by local Heritage innovation networks.
List of products to be delivered:
Deliverable D5.12 Pilot Heritage Sites Brand Strategy, Analysis, Brand Systems (due date: July 2023)
Deliverable D5.12 should include (at least) general guidelines for the place-branding of circular cultural tourism destinations, the specific strategy for the marketing and branding of circular cultural tourism destinations at the project level, and the specific marketing plans for all 6 pilot heritage sites. The overall place-branding and marketing strategies developed should be consistent with the project concept and approach, the project brand identity, as well as with the participatory Action Plans and Innovative solutions developed in pilot heritage sites. The overall place-branding and marketing strategies should be developed by adopting a participatory and collaborative approachable to be implemented by the local Heritage innovation networks established in pilot heritage sites, taking into account the structure, components and types of the networks.
Three web articles on the topics of Circular cultural tourism and “Beyond tourism” approach, Transformative travel and place-branding of circular destinations.
Additional activities:
- Organisation of at least one co-design workshop of 2 days in Naples involving all pilot partners and selected stakeholders (or remotely if in-person events will not be possible).
- Contribute to the monthly Community meetups with the pilot partners, starting from the date of signature of the contract to the end of the project, with the aim of identifying key elements of the place-branding strategy at the project level and specific pilot heritage site level.
- Contribute to the organisation and implementation of Community Conversations and Wine Talks with the pilot and the mirror partners to generate guidelines for Circular cultural tourism destinations’ place-branding.
- Contribute to the overall exploitation, dissemination and communication strategy of Be.CULTOUR project, including the development of three web articles on Circular cultural tourism and the “Beyond tourism” approach, Transformative travel and place-branding of circular destinations.
- Contribute to the Hackathon initiative , the Policy Lab (Brussels, September 2022), and the Final Conference and Review Meeting in Naples.
Application content
To be considered eligible for the tender, applicants are required to submit:
- Relevant experience: Summary profile of the applicant organisation demonstrating relevant experience in destinations’ place-branding and circular cultural tourism
- Technical Skills: CVs demonstrating competencies and expertise of key management, professional and technical personnel in line with the project activities
- Proposal: detailed description of the work plan and activities foreseen, summary of contents of the deliverable
- Economic proposal: Budget required for the implementation of the Proposal
The total budget for the tender is €30,000.00 (inclusive of all taxes).
Indicative timeframe and selection procedure
This tender makes use of a competitive bidding process, and the responsible partner (ERRIN) will review offers from potential contractors. The Be.CULTOUR Coordinator (CNR IRISS) may be consulted within the process of selection. The successful applicant will be selected on the basis of:
- Value for money
- Relevance of the proposal
- Track record and relevant experience
- Qualifications and technical skills of the proposed key staff
- Reliability and capacity to deliver the project on time.
Interested parties should submit their offer before Monday, 13 June to: gaia.marotta@errin.eu and teresa.vio@errin.eu
The successful applicants will be required to sign a service contract with ERRIN.
Payment schedule
- 25% prepayment (30 days after signature of the contract)
- 75% final payment release following delivery of the aforementioned ‘Deliverable D5.12’.
Payments will be carried out after the reception of the invoice issued by the contractor.
Indicative time frame
Deadline for applicants: Monday 13 June
Selection of applicants: Monday 4 July