
Museo Diffuso dei 5 Sensi Sciacca Cooperativa di Comunità Identità e Bellezza is an inclusive and bottom-up tourism innovation project managed by a community no-profit cooperative, which has become a community network with more than 55 engagement agreements.

What is Be.CULTOUR for you?

For Sciacca 5 Sensi Circular Cultural Tourism is about becoming aware of the resources we already have, of their value and, without creating anything new, enhancing them to create valuable and sustainable touristic products and services through a connected and competent community.

What is the greatest challenge that you are facing in tourism?

Our overall objective is to create an aware and competent community able to develop with its own hands its territory and connect it with buyers, consumers, and influencers alike in the cultural heritage and tourism industries to generate value-added markets using the uniqueness of the area: people and the “beauty” of the place where they live. 
The main goals are:

  • Transforming individuals from passive spectators to inhabitants aware of their value and of the interconnection between them and the territory in which they live.
  • Creating a destination that can attract tourists all year and can develop in a sustainable way by benefiting everyone

What is the main strategy/solution you are working towards or achieved in circular cultural tourism?

The whole project aims at using existing resources in a responsible way:

  • enhancing existing resources, such as pre-existing buildings;
  • enhancing the knowledge local people own and sharing of identities through meaningful storytelling and experiential, transformative and emotional tourism;
  • undergoing the process of using less plastic and reducing the use of resources

Who are the main local stakeholders involved and what are your strategies to involve them? 

Our cooperative manages the Widespread Museum of the 5 Senses of Sciacca (Museo Diffuso dei 5 Sensi di Sciacca), recognised in February 2020 among the first 11 widespread museums in Sicily. Our project has its very core mission of collaborative planning and co-creation of every action where all the stakeholders are engaged and where the benefits of every action are widespread. The whole project is based upon and relies on the involvement of the whole community, in particular, are part of the project: 125 cooperative associates, tourism businesses, 40 associations, 27 accommodation facilities, 15 restaurateurs, 14 artisans, 10 neighbourhood associations, 10 schools, 10 institutions, 7 museums.

Learn more about this mirror ecosystem here.