The Be.CULTOUR community gathered in Sciacca, Italy, on 21 -22 September, for the second Be.CULTOUR peer-learning study visit.
The event, organised by ERRIN and hosted by The 5 Senses Open-air Museum of Sciacca, one of the 16 Be.CULTOUR mirror ecosystems, provided an excellent opportunity for 50 participants coming from different countries in Europe to share inputs for the Be.CULTOUR policy recommendations on circular tourism and engage in knowledge-sharing and best-practice discussions.
Be.CULTOUR Mirrors and Pilots representatives had the chance to directly experience the immersive circular cultural tourism concept implemented by The 5 Senses Open-air Museum of Sciacca, a best practice recognised by Cultural Heritage in Action, peer-learning scheme financed by the European Union. While discussing challenges and barriers to the implementation of circular cultural tourism strategies, the event was the perfect occasion to learn from local innovative practices and witness success stories.
An important part of the event was dedicated for the Be.CULTOUR Community to share inputs that will feed the Be.CULTOUR Policy recommendations on circular tourism. Representatives of Pilots, Mirrors and Innovators proposed policy recommendations in the World Cafè format on the following topics:
Circular economy in cultural tourism: creative, sustainable, beautiful destination
Digitalisation & Smart destination management for circular cultural tourism
Enhancing the human dimension of circular cultural tourism
Entrepreneurial ecosystem, innovative business and financial models for circular cultural tourism
In addition to the inputs collected in Sciacca, Be.CULTOUR will open a wider consultation to give the opportunity and hear the voice, insights and best practices that will feed the Be.CULTOUR Policy recommendations on circular tourism.