This module aims at identifying potential paths for collaboration.
How can we translate our challenges into opportunities?
How to use our capabilities and split responsibilities?
Problem definition:
How do you get there?
Plan your trip:
Second Local Workshop
60 minutes
Facilitator introduce the session and distribute How Might We worksheet to every group, together with pens and printed results from workshop 1.
Participants are seated in groups of 10.
Challenges, opportunities, assets
Groups start by taking a look at the challenges, opportunities, and assets identified.
You may also discuss new challenges and assets or the results of the other modules.
How might we?
Participants brainstorm and fill out worksheets in small groups. You should focus on one challenge per worksheet, answering the main questions:
How might we work together?
How might we share the responsibility?
How might we strengthen our network also beyond the project?
Additional questions helping the focus:
Is the circular approach included?
Are diverse, also marginalised groups, and minority cultures involved?
How long will this network last?
Worksheet 2.3.3
Back to the Plenary
Participants report back on their discussions and share insights on how to translate challenges into opportunities.
Facilitator prompts participants to establish challenge-driven teams - on flipchart paper, note down who wants to take part in which challenge-team.
Participants individually indicate which challenge-team they would like to join.
The facilitator welcomes participants in a virtual plenary and explains
the activity. Please mention the challenges from LWS1.
The tech host randomly sorts participants into small breakout rooms (10 ppl). The tech host shares a link to JAMBOARD with the worksheet. One worksheet for each group (please make in advance as many copies as you need based on the number of registrations).
The tech host sends each group a message and asks them to focus on answering the main question. Facilitators visit breakout rooms and encourage participants to think critically about the additional questions
Participants report back on their discussions and share insights on how to translate challenges into opportunities. The tech host makes notes on the JAMBOARD for the facilitator and groups the challenges.
Participants express who wants to take part in which challenge team. Participants do not have to choose the team from their original group. The tech host edits the JAMBOARD accordingly. Documenter saves all files used in this exercise.